My Media

Embolisation of Dural AV Fistula 

 60 yr male presented with h/o of sudden on set giddiness f/b unconsciousness

 On evaluation he had CVT (cerebral venous thrombosis) with SAH

 Mri showed multiple flow voids s/o dural AVF

 Dsa- Dural AVF with feeders from both occipital and right temporal and ica with cognard grade IV

 Underwent successful Embolisation of Dural AVF with liquid embolic agent onyx

Embolisation of Thalamic AVM

 12 yr girl presented with sudden onset of unconsciousness..


 CT brain - intraventricular hemorrhage..


 Ct angio was s/o left posterior thalamic AVM..


 She underwent endovascular embolisation using liquid emboloic material onyx.

Coiling of acom artery aneurysm 

 65 yr with h/o unconsciousness

 CT brain plain s/o SAH. 

 CT angio s/o acom aterty aneurysm.

 Did endovascular coiling of the aneurysm

Flow diverter placement for basilar aneurysm 

 55yr female presented with h/o sudden severe headache..

 Ct angio done showed basilar artery ectasia..

 Did DSA- there was midbasilar fusiform aneurysm...

Did endovascular placement flow diverter.. Good stasis seen at the end of procedure 

Stent assisted coiling of ICA aneurysm 

 70yr old with h/o sudden on set headache..

 Ct s/o SAH..

 Ct angio showed- rt ica thrombosis, with left ica and acom aneurysm..

 Did stent assisted coiling of the aneurysm.

Coiling of ophthalmic segment ICA aneurysm 

 60 yr female presented with h/o sudden on set headache followed by unconsciousness

 She admitted and evaluated and found to have SAH

 Ct angio showed right ophthalmic segment ICA aneurysm.

 She successfully underwent endovascular coiling of aneurysm


65 YR with h/o recurrent stroke

on evaluation found to have right ICA  stenosis

underwent succesful carotid stenting


75 yr male with h/o transient ischemic attack

on evaliation he was found to have ica stenosis

he underwent succesful carotid stenting


17 year male met with road traffic accident. 

CT brain showed – multiple facial bone fracture with right sided subdural hematoma with right frontal haematoma.

He was treated conservatively with ventilator and tracheostomy

He was discharged home after 20 days, he developed swelling of right eye 10 days after the discharge

MRA showed right direct CCF. 

He underwent endovascular coiling of CCF



Mechanical throbectomy using solitaire device 


Mechanical throbectomy using solitaire device

Embolisation of Scalp avm 

 15 yr boy with h/o spontaneous heavy bleeding from scalp..

 Dsa showed scalp avm with feeders from both occipital and temporal arteries..

 Did embolisation of the AVM followed by excision.

Embolisation of scalp avm with reconstruction 

 40 yr male presented with h/o dyspnoea and episodes of bleeding from scalp

 He was operated for scalp AVM suture ligation

 He was diagnosed to be in CCF- CONGESTIVE CARDIAC FAILURE

 He was stabilized and underwent dsa

 Plan – excision of lesion with excisions of ear and reconstruction with flap

 Preop embolization was done

 Plan changed to excision of lesion with skin grafting